Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hmwrk due 4/19

The reaction I get from this article is that the convicts had a smart idea.  Although the thing that they did was illegal, it does show us how branding can increase the value of a product.  Also, when reading this article I wonder if big brand names steal other products and sell it for more.  This would be interesting to find out and I might look into it a little.  To sum it up, this article open my eyes to the creativity some people have.

Logo Redisgn

I have decided to redesign the twitter logo because it is too plain.  It might seem cool to have a bird as your logo but what if you could enhance the logo more.  Too me, this logo is a good one to add on something that can catch your eye.  Who knows what tricks I have up my sleeve for this logo.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Is your baby lacking that perfect smile and charm?  Don't worry because there is a new product on the market called "baby dentures", that can help.  The special thing about the dentures are they come in many colors, sizes, and shapes.  At an affordable price, your baby can have the most stylish smile in no time.  This product is moving fast, so get your baby that smile you have always dreamed about !


Have you ever wanted to read a persons mind or even find out their name without asking them?  With high-tech specialized glasses, this is possible anywhere.  These glasses can do the basic functions as being a cell phone, on the go social networking, and a human information scanner.  The cool design for the glasses presents itself as stylish and one of a kind.  For a limited time only, these glasses can be yours so do not waste time !

Friday, February 8, 2013



    This article was very interesting from start to finish.  Articles like this really get you thinking on which type of designs catch your eyes. In this case in London, design was effected in a way where it was not appealing.  One thing I learned from this article was that the smallest changes can effect how something looks as far as design goes.  Everyone wants something that stands, is appealing and attractive.  The most simple designs are usually the best designs and McDonald's is a good example of how to make a simply, great design.

Friday, January 25, 2013

About Me

1. I have been using a computer ever since I could get my hands on one.

2. My major class is Computer Graphics.

3. I hope to gain knowledge about how to improve my designing skills.

4. My favorite artist would have to be Vincent Van Gogh.

5. One day a kid woke up hoping to have a good day at school. Computer graphics was his first class of the day and he did not know what to expect. A professor walks in the classroom and seems to be ready to get the class started. How this class will go will be a story in itself. As the kid logs in, his adventure in computer graphics has just begun.